Module Development Update: The God in the Bowl

Progress so far

Most of the areas, the conversations, cutscenes and characters are complete. I just need to put in a few finishing touches before considering it at the beta stage, and in fact I’ve playtested all of the adventure in bits already. It’s now just a case of needing repeated run-throughs.

I’ve taken a few detours along the way, the main one being adding a whole host of custom feats and compatibility with the Kaedrin Expansion Pack, and making the previous modules also compatible with that expansion.  This means that there will be a number of spell and other fixes, and all the Kaedrin base character class and prestige class options as well as most of the Kaedrin custom feats. In addition there are about 20 Conan Campaign flavour new feats that most characters will be able to choose when they level up. The difficulty with adding the expansion is that many of my scripts, especially on event scripts, are already customised, so you need to know the code rather than just plug in the script and the expansion does not come with uncompiled scripts. Kaedrin himself helped me with a couple of things, for which I am grateful.

At the moment I’m at a bit of a hiatus, having become a bit bored with all the vagaries of the toolset. Any NWN2 module developer will agree that often, especially in cutscene scripts, things just don’t work the way they are supposed to. ActionMoveToObject never works in a queue. ActionMoveToLocation often has pathing issues. Custom animations and visual and other effects sometimes fail to run. I thought that DestroyObject was failing to work on creatures in cutscenes until I discovered that you had to set the SetIsDestroyable flag not to leave a lootable corpse. After about 10 years I;m still learning the basics.

I think I finally got the cutscenes all working reasonably, and then wanted to link up the walkways round the Merchant District walls but have hit a brick wall with trying to get the walkmesh to bake. Serves me right for being too ambitious with the custom BCK placeables… So the solution is to keep moving the placeables and flat walkmeshes centimeter by centimeter ( in-game scale, not my PC screen scale!) until the walkmeshes match. Hence why I am messing about with blogs instead of getting on with it.

Will update when its finished, hopefully.

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