Rome II Total War Province Management Guide

“The sinews of war are infinite money.” Cicero 43 BC

“The source of infinite money is total war.” Sega 2013 AD

rome 2

While there are already strategies available on this topic, I wanted to put forward some comments about what to build in provinces from my own limited experience and a brief analysis of the stats.

This guide was written based on Patch 8 and focuses a bit more on the mid to late game rather than early game building planning.  The guide relates mostly to the Rome factions. I am far from an expert on campaign strategy, but nevertheless thought my input might be helpful to some players.

Why a Province management guide? Rome II differs from previous Total War titles in that there is much more balancing of advantages and disadvantages of different building lines. Earlier games required you simply to grow your population and build the best buildings as and when you could afford them. There might be a choice between castle or city, but that was it. Bigger was better. Not so in Rome II: the bigger the building the worse the penalties. So optimisation of the limited number of buildings that can be constructed in each settlement and province is a case of maximising the advantages and compensating for the disadvantages.

Understanding this optimisation is all about getting to grips with the game’s different economic and military resources.